Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What To Write

I am new to this blogging thing and am not really sure how to work it yet but I am trying to learn. I have been looking for things to make my blog about, I feel like I have nothing interesting to write about. I talked to a friend that has been blogging for a while and her advice was to write about something that is important to your lifee, something that you find yourself wondering about or wanting to talk about. With that advice I decided to make this blog about something that has really taken over a big part of my life, which it traumatic brain injuries and my fathers recovery from one. My dad who has been my hero since I was a little girl, suffered a traumatic brain injury on February 7th, 2010. He was talking my dog for a walk in my neighborhood and slip and fell on the ice, hitting his head. Since that day my life has completely changed and has been consumed with ways to get my dad better. Since last February he has gone through 3 major brain surgeries and has been at two different rehab facilities. My dad is currently at a facility in Louisville, Kentucky that deals with many forms of brain injuries. This past year I have learned so much about how little information is known about the brain and how each persons is different and individually their own. I have spent hours and hours researching different studies by doctors all over the world about their findings an opinions of brian inurgies. I can honestly say very little known about the brain compared to other things in the human body, which is pretty scary to think about considering how important your brain is to you. My family and I have been very grateful and blessed with people that have helped my dad make it as far as he has and continuing to get better. It has been amazing to see how far my dad has come from where he started a year ago. So since this is what my life pretty much is consumed of I thought that this would be a good thing to write about.


  1. So sorry to hear about your Dad's accident. You really never know when you life is about to change. Thankfully, we have the internet where you can do all of this research. Can you imagine what you would (or wouldn't) know 10 or 20 years ago about his injury. Wishing you and your family the best!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. Life can be such an amazing experience, yet so tragic how fast it can turn upside down on us. I lost my father-in-law unexpectedly on Jan 25th, which has turned my wife and I's life upside down and really made us think about the little things.

    God bless you and your family and I pray for a full recovery for your dad.

  3. Thank You for your wishes! My family and I appreicate it! It has definitely been a life changing experience and one that I can say has really put things into perspective for me! Without the internet and all of the information that I have found, this journey would have been more difficult for everyone.
